10 Reasons to Invest in Content Marketing

Content marketing includes the creation, and then the sharing, of original online material that is strategically relevant to a specific audience. From blogs and videos to posts on social media, there are all sorts of options when it comes to creating original content that can make your business stand out from competitors and attract your ideal customer. Content marketing is meant to attract, engage, and retain an audience through the creation and use of original information and material. When done well and with intention, content marketing not only promotes brand awareness but establishes a business as an expert and thought leader in an industry. By taking a strategic approach that focuses on creating and distributing relevant content, it is possible not only to attract new attention but to hold onto an existing audience.

In the long-term, content marketing focuses on building, improving, and maintaining a strong relationship with a targeted audience by promoting and distributing, on a regular basis, new information from a key source: your brand.

That’s the basic reason that content marketing is a buzzword these days, especially with the continued influence and prevalence of social media. So, what are the details? Why is it crucial for businesses to invest resources in content marketing? Below are just ten reasons that outline why investing in content marketing is essential for brand success.

Increases Visibility in Search Engines

 Every page of your website or blog is another opportunity for your name and brand to show up in your potential customers’ search results. The more relevant and targeted keywords and content you have out there, the more likely it is that the people looking for you and your business will be able to find your website. Quality content on your site can also lead to more external sites linking back to you and increasing your authority overall.

Positions You as an Authority

No matter what you do, whether you sell homemade soaps, offer professional services, or operate a 501c3 nonprofit, or any and everything in between, you want to be seen as an authority in your industry. Through infographics, free tips, and tutorials, content marketing can help make you and your brand a must-read source when others are looking for assistance, answers, or the best place to buy. 

It Works for All Industries

From small businesses to personal coaching, there is no industry that will not benefit from content marketing. Your content can be exactly the signal someone is searching for that will lead them to the solution or product they’ve been struggling to find. There is no industry that won’t benefit from letting the world know what unique ideas and innovations they have to offer.

It Cuts Demands on Customer Service

From Facebook messaging to telephone helplines, customers will let you know if they are not getting the service they need or desire. What can keep those lines from getting clogged? Original content! A blog with frequently asked questions, video tutorials, instructions, or information on exchanges and returns all count as original content and can bring the pressure down on any customer service messages or phone calls.  Your blog, social media content, and email newsletter can serve as an educational platform to better equip and orient your customers and clients to your services and products. 

Increases Engagement, Loyalty, and Followers

Visuals and original content, rather than reposts, always drive the greatest engagement across social media platforms. Creating new content and sharing those postings across your social media channels encourages a greater number of engagements from followers. Consistent posting can also increase customer loyalty, as your audience continues to receive new material and ideas from your brand.

Keeps Users on Your Site Longer

Content that engages and entices users will automatically give users a reason to explore your website longer. Content of high quality can build trust and authority and bring users back when they have other questions or friends and followers who are also looking for the information your site features.

Reduces Your Spending on Advertising

Original content comes from within. You will always know your business best. By spending more of your budget on content marketing, you can get more bang for your buck. Unlike advertising, content marketing can create marketing that is evergreen and automatically relevant to customers both old and new.

Builds Relationships

By using content marketing to establish your business or brand as an expert and authority, you are investing in the relationship with your audience. If your content is answering questions and presenting new ideas, you become an important resource beyond a mere business relationship. This can not only build trust but establish you as an authentic voice.

Increases Brand Awareness

Original content not only brings people to your brand but also exports your ideas to a wider audience. With original content, whether videos, infographics, or blog posts, users will further the reach of your content by sharing pieces they find particularly helpful or meaningful. This can expand the reach of any platform and increase brand awareness.

Attracts More Quality Leads

By taking control of content marketing the content that is created can be more directly designed to appeal to the audience you are seeking. By attracting the right audience, rather than blanket advertising, chances of conversion increase and keep you from wasting time and money on people who wouldn’t have a genuine interest in your services in the first place.

Do you have to invest in content marketing? When it comes to building a lasting brand, the answer is yes. Why might it help to work with professionals to strengthen your content marketing?

Here are a few reasons:

  • They’re SEO experts. Anyone can create content, but a professional in content marketing can make sure that the pieces are ranking correctly and drawing in the audience you hoped for.

  • They can focus. A whole business has a lot going on besides marketing, and with someone completely focused on your content marketing efforts there will always be someone with their eye on the ball.

  • They have the experience. There are very few people in the world who are experts at everything, which is why agencies that work with content marketing and SEO regularly have the experience and the capacity and know-how to get the job done.


Need help with your content marketing?

We can help with everything! Reach out to our experts here. We’d love to talk to you and figure out whether we’re a good fit for your brand and your needs.


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